Ethic and compliance

Anti-corruption policy is entrenched in Kiloutou’s DNA.

Dominique CIRAVEGNA, Internal Control and Safety Director

Why an anti-corruption policy?

It’s a regulatory requirement. But we’re doing more than complying with the law: we’re embedding this approach in Kiloutou’s genes and using it as a management tool. For several reasons: to identify and manage risk areas, protect the company’s image and position ourselves as a partner that everyone in our ecosystem can trust.

What does this policy involve?

It is part of our drive to earn ISO 37001 certification and is based on eight pillars including a risk map, third-party assessments (customers and suppliers), a code of conduct and a whistleblowing channel to report situations that possibly entail a risk (corruption, fraud, harassment, etc.).

How are employees involved?

This applies to everyone. That’s why all our team members are informed through in-house campaigns and trained using an e-learning module.

The whistleblowing channel

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